Tracker Tracker

 - Bugs ( 2 open / 4 total )
Bug Tracking System

 - Support Requests ( 0 open / 0 total )
Tech Support Tracking System

 - Patches ( 0 open / 0 total )
Patch Tracking System

 - Feature Requests ( 0 open / 0 total )
Feature Request Tracking System

CVS CVS Tree ( 133 commits, 4 adds ) known bug
FTP Released Files

Welcome to the Food Club home page.


Food Club is a web-based program to help with dining-out decisions (such as deciding who's turn it is to pay), within a group of people who dine together frequently. For example, if you regularly go out to lunch with colleagues, you may find this application useful.

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. Food Club came about because my colleagues and I went out for lunch each Friday, and we were always quibbling over whose turn it was to pay. Food Club automated this decision for us in the fairest possible way.


Click here for a fully functioning demo of the system for a fictitious group.


Food Club is free software! Click here to visit the SourceForge project page, for full access to the source code and release files.

Valid HTML 4.01 Copyright © 2001, Dafydd Walters.
This page was last modified on September 06, 2006